Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Are you READY too?

If you have read any of the post entries to this blog, you will be familiar with our use of the phrase “ALL-IN”. This continuing phrase is a reference to our desire as three men who wish to follow and serve Christ, to draw close to Him and find ways to remain close and in contact with our Lord. It is our desire to live lives that are continually pruned and shaped to be more and more Christ like. We call this sanctification process, being “ALL-IN”. This is, we feel the correct response to the seemingly nationwide desire for CHANGE in America. It is not a national or political aspiration or self-realization technique. We do not anticipate or expect it to be discussed on Oprah, the View or the Today show. It will likely never grace the cover of Time, Newsweek or People Magazine.

It will instead be lived out in quiet humble ways in the lives of those who, give of themselves, freely and without reserve, back to their creator, the glory and honor He so rightly deserves and pursue the close loving relationship that He desires to have with us.
It will be a life long journey, each step seemingly at odds, both painful and rewarding; each cross roads promising both the wide and narrow, the crowded and the less traveled pathways. The choices will be many and will always be challenging, but the Truth never changing.

I am ready! ….Tell me now, my friend, are you ready, too?

Third Day's Lyrics to "Ready":
I’m ready for the winds to change
I’m ready for a brighter day
I’m ready for the sun to shine down on me
I’m waiting for a song to sing
I’m looking for a brand new thing
I’m ready now to live a life that I believe
I want the world to turn because of love
And mercy to find each of us
Doing what we can to just believe
I want the world to know that You’re the One
Who fills me up and gives me hope
And brings about this change that’s in me
Oh yeah, I’m ready, yeah
You know I’m ready now

I’m ready for the truth to be
Something that can set us free
Does anybody still believe we’ll make it through?

I’m ready now to take a stand
To live life for more than myself
Tell me now, my friend, are you ready, too?
I can’t sit around waiting for it all to change
It’s gonna take every single one of us doing what we can
There’s lots of fighting in this world but there’s so much loving, too
So take my hand, I’m ready now for you
Lord knows I’m ready
You know I’m ready
I’m ready for the winds to change
I’m ready for a brighter day

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