Friday, January 9, 2009

Seeds of Change...

This Thursday Night, as the 3 dogs met, we reflected on the past year and then turned our eyes and thoughts to the future, committing to have new goals for this year by our fourth anniversary, February 7th. It is nice to have the anniversary of our gatherings so close to the New Year, when thoughts turn to renewed focus and direction anyway. With the economic and political winds shifting these days, change is almost palpable. "Seeds of Change" are in the air

Michael (Mr. Chan) read a passage from a new book he is reading. The title escapes me but the topic is intriguing to say the least. It spoke about simplifying our lives, whittling away the distractions of life and getting down to the essentials. I especially enjoyed the tone of the passage; it was genuine and similar in tone to the Nicholas Sparks books I enjoy. I like when characters have those inner conversations of self-talk and reflection.

I hope we have the right seeds of change in mind. I pray that the New Year finds us making changes that will simplify our lives. Changes that can whittle away the selfish nature that takes hold far too often and stunts our growth. I pray that we do the work to grow these seeds of change. The soil must be tilled, the land watered and we must have faith in our Father to grow the seed in us. To do that we must remain His. We must remain All In.

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