Wednesday, August 13, 2008

If at first you DO succeed, Lie, Lie, again!

The folks behind the movement to redefine marriage in the State of California and by default the rest of the nation have decided to not pull any punches. Apparently they truly believe that “All is fair in the political arena”. On the heals of the California Supreme Courts arrogant decision to ignore the voters (Proposition 22 in 2006) and “legalize” same sex marriage in May of this year, Proposition 8 qualified for the 2008 election Ballot. Over 1.1 million signatures were gathered to secure its position on the ballot when just slightly over 600 thousand were required.

The opponents of Proposition 8 then attempted several maneuvers to have it removed with a variety of frivolous lawsuits. Then, just two weeks ago, State Attorney General Jerry Brown re-titled the proposition from "limits marriage between one man and one woman" to "a constitutional change to eliminate the right of same sex couples to marry."

In another stunning move by the courts, the Sacramento Superior Court ruled August 8th, that Attorney General Jerry Brown may change Proposition 8's title to favor homosexual marriage. Once again, the people of California are held hostage by a tyrannical judicial system determined to implement a radical social agenda. Activist judges and politicians are throwing every obstacle they can in the way of restoring the true definition of marriage.

What is the latest maneuver, you may ask? Well believe it or not there are bumper stickers being made and distributed that twist the Truth and say:
“Protect Marriage – Vote No on Proposition 8”

Such an obvious and directly misleading strategy by the opponents of Proposition 8 should be expected. The Father of Lies is willing to do whatever it takes to destroy both marriages and families in his quest to capture souls. The battle continues and the siege works are being erected for a show down in November. Have no fear; we Christians know how the battle ends. Even if Proposition 8 is defeated in this November skirmish, Christ Jesus has already won the War and the Father of Lies is going down in flames!

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